For over thirty years, Crestmont Financial Group has been chosen repeatedly by numerous client CEOs and Board of Directors of some of the largest, most prominent insurance companies in the world to guide their organizations through transformational situations. From merger and acquisition (M&A) strategy to financing, everything we do is done through the lens of increasing the value of our client. As a group with over a thousand successful transactions, global reach, and extensive networks of professionals worldwide, Mystic is uniquely positioned to help leaders navigate today’s complex and evolving business environment. We are committed to providing our clients with mission-critical strategic and financial advice at every step of an engagement.
With offices in NYC – A single engagement may have participants from any or all of these locations or others depending on the client’s business and strategic objectives. We believe that meaningful relationships are critical to continued success. Part of what makes Crestmont Financial Group unique is our ability to seamlessly integrate with all entities of your organization and across the entire insurance market landscape, establishing a global perspective on your business – delivered in an efficient, accessible manner. Our experienced professionals work together as a team to deliver comprehensive solutions for our clients through pragmatic processes that are tailored to meet their specific needs.
Trust, transparency and integrity are the pillars that Crestmont Financial Group was founded on and guide the way we conduct business and serve our clients. At the core of every decision we make is our ethical duty to act in the best interest of our client. Every client engagement will begin with a documented discussion of the critical issues facing your organization together with clear goals for success and what it will take to achieve them. We proceed from there with an inclusive assessment of potential solutions designed as a collaborative effort between you, us, and your board members if such involvement is felt necessary. We believe our collective experience enables us to provide unrivaled investment banking services to the insurance industry.