Capital Raising

A Roadmap to Smart Capital

Our clients have institutional-level access to the capital markets. With a global reach and long-tenured relationships with traditional and non-traditional sources, we are leaders in accessing, structuring, and negotiating sound capital. We enable our clients to tap into top-tier traditional markets, as well as alternative sources of capital — such as hedge funds, private equity, and venture.

The team provides end-to-end transaction services for clients seeking growth capital, acquisition capital, or liquidity; solutions custom fit to their specific needs. Mystic Capital offers expertise across the risk spectrum, including mezzanine and private placements. We optimize solutions for our clients to minimize dilution and optimize their capital structure.

By understanding your specific business goals, complex situations, and existing capital structures, we provide insights into the risks and benefits of your options. We are strategically minded and position your firm for the right financing and manage each stage of negotiation with a client-centered approach.

For more information. Please reach out.